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J.A. Hingham, MA

After putting myself through numerous medical tests, exams, procedures and multiple doctors across 2 states, I was still suffering from crippling menstrual cycles.  Many times at work I would need to change clothing, just as my mother suffered through the years.  My last cycle was the first in over 10 years where I was able to take a walk with the dogs.  Also I woke nearly every morning with nausea and suffered many times with heartburn and diarrhea.  I now don’t need any medications for GI problems where I used to carry around “emergency GI upset” pills in my purse “just in case”.  I can’t believe that after years of suffering I feel like a new person. I can now work and be active during menstruation and I take a fraction of the ibuprophen I used to and I no longer have daily GI upset, heart burm and diarrhea. I can’t believe it was so easy and I waited so long.



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