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In Person Single session (Acupuncture Treatment) 45 minutes – 1 hour

Acupuncture is both preventative and curative in nature. It entails inserting fine pre-sterilized stainless steel needles into various acupuncture points on the body. These points lie on meridians where Qi (pronounced chee) or vital energy flows throughout the body. When the flow of qi becomes blocked or is deficient we see symptoms of disease. Once the correct points are stimulated the smooth flow of qi is restored and the body is once again in a state of health and balance.


Remote Single Sessions (Tapping, Tao Hands, Soul Acupuncture) 45 minutes – 1 hour

Can’t make it into the office, no problem!  Lets meet over zoom, discuss your health history, determine where your qi is blocked and then open the flow of vital energy with either Tapping, Tao Healing Hands and or Soul Acupuncture and Herbs.



Single Sessions $160                                              *Fall Equinox Special Price* $115

Package of 4 $608 ($152/each save $32)         *Fall Equinox Special Price* $437 ($109/ea save $204!!)

Package of 8 $1152 ($144/each save $128)      *Fall Equinox Special Price * $828 ($103/ea save $452!)


Tao Healing Hands

Tao Healing Hands is a vibrational transmission that can help prevent and heal illness, create harmony in relationships, enhance finances and business, and guide you to fulfilling your true potential. Everyone and everything have a frequency and vibration, and with the high frequency and vibration of Tao Healing Hands, you can transform negative messages that cause challenges in every aspect of life to positive, healing messages. Tao Healing Hands work because it carries the source qualities of unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, light, and more. It works along the same lines as  acupuncture but at a slightly deeper lever.  If acupuncture works on your energy level, Tao Healing Hands works on your vibration level.



Monthly Memberships:

Tao Healing Hands

A blessing 5 days per week for 1 physical and 1 emotional/spiritual issue.  Automatic billing required for monthly special price.  2 week free trial available on request

Monthly $150/mo                                   *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $135/mo (Save $15)

3 month commitment: $140/mo        *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $125/mo (Save $75)

6 month commitment: $130/mo        *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $115/mo (Save $210!!)

12 month commitment: $120/mo      *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $100/mo (Save $600!!)


Tao Healing Hands Plus 

A blessing 5 days per week for 1 physical and 1 emotional/spiritual issue WITH Added access to our private FB group with weekly additional experiences: New Moon intention setting, Full moon release, oracle card reading and guided meditation, 1added experience per week. Automatic billing required for monthly special price.  2 week free trial available on request

Monthly $500/mo                                    *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $350/mo (Save $150)

3 month commitment: $475/mo         *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $325/mo (Save $525)

6 month commitment: $460/mo         *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $310/mo (Save $1140!!)

12 month commitment: $450/mo       *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $300/mo (Save $2400!!)


VIP Monthly Membership

Daily (7 days per week) Tao Hands blessing, Soul acupuncture, and  Soul herbs, Tao Calligraphy tracing 4 times per week for 1 physical, 1 emotional and 1 spiritual/lifestyle issue, plus weekly 1:1 services: 1st week a live 1:1 zoom intention setting/intake session, week 2: a oracle card reading sent by video, week 3: a personalized tapping script send via video/audio/pdf, week 4 a live meditation session. Automatic billing required for monthly special price.  

Monthly $1500/mo                                    *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $1000/mo (Save $500)

3 month commitment: $1450/mo         *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $950/mo (Save $1650)

6 month commitment: $1425/mo         *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $925/mo (Save $3450!!)

12 month commitment: $1400/mo       *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $900/mo (Save $7200!!)


Deep Shift Session  1.5 – 2 hours  offered in person and remote

Are you ready to dig deep and get to the root of an issue in one session?  Experience a shift in perspective and transform your life with holistic lifestyle coaching, intuitive guidance, tapping, meditation, reiki, tao healing hands, tao calligraphy, journal prompts, oracle cards,  acupuncture needles (in person only), soul acupuncture and herbs (remote only) .  In the first half of the session we dig up what you need to let go of and discover what you need to let in.  In the second half of the session we get your physical body on board by unblocking your energy, regulating your physiology and opening you up on a cellular level to more completely let go of what needs to go and receive whats been given.

Investment $297                                                  *Fall Equinox Special Price* $197


Deep Shift 6 Month Program 1.5-2 hours once a month

Are you ready to transform your life?  Commit to 6 monthly Deep Shift sessions and see how quickly your life can change on many different levels.  Get to the root of an issue, take 4 weeks to allow your perspective to shift and then come back to discover what new challenges come up.

Investment  $1425 ($237/ea Save $360)           *Fall Equinox Special Price*  $997 ($166/ea Save $429!!)




 Monthly Workshop  (call, email or text for next scheduled workshop)

Calling all spiritual seekers! Join us  for group sharing, intuitive guidance, and meditation.  Some days its not so easy living in the new paradigm when everyone around you is stuck in lack, fear, and “the blahs”.  Lets get together once a month and support each other in staying positive, pursuing our dreams and focusing on what we want (vs indulging what we don’t want).

Investment $50




781-812-0057 Directions Contact/Schedule