Shanie Coven Easter Lic.Ac., MAOM has always had a passion for helping people. At first this manifested as a research associate studying the molecular mechanisms of human disease. Many years later the need to work directly with people in a more “alternative” setting led Shanie to the New England School of Acupuncture where she received her Masters degree in acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Upon graduation Bamboo Gardens was born, a safe, non-judgmental, healing space where each patient is given the time to speak their mind and be truly and authentically heard. Shanie loves seeing patients in her private practice. Over the years she has added different modalities to take her patients healing experiences to the next level. When not in the office Shanie spends as much time as possible with her two young children and husband. She loves being outside in the sun, doing yoga, crafting and meditating as often as possible.